Friday, January 11, 2013

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs...and New Books!!

The weatherman said it was going to be Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs today but I wasn't taking ANY chances! So, I brought in meatballs for the staff today to encourage them to stop by the library and check out our new books! The meatballs were a hit and many staff members asked me how I did it! So...I'll give away my secret! I used one jar of Robert Rothschild Farm Raspberry Honey Mustard Pretzel Dip with a larger bag (34 oz.) of frozen precooked meatballs and put them together in a slow cooker to warm up! That was it! I'm so glad everyone enjoyed the meatballs and hope that you all had a chance to stop in and see our newest books! They'll be here all week!

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