Friday, September 7, 2012

Destiny Quest

We have a FABULOUS program here in the library that you can use in school and from home. It is our search engine, aka Destiny Quest. Here students and staff alike can search for materials that we have in the library and see if they are available for check out. Students will learn how to see what books they have checked out as well as how to put books on hold. Staff members, you can make lists of favorite books or lists of curriculum friendly books that you can refer to year after year! Give it a try! Students and staff alike just need to use their network usernames and passwords to log onto Destiny Quest. If you don't have a username yet, you can still browse the virtual library shelves!

{click on the picture above to go to Destiny Quest}

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to School 2012

Welcome back students and staff of Glenbrook Elementary! It was so wonderful seeing so many smiling faces today. Please be sure to check back often for many new and exciting things on our site!! Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter!!